Is PlasmaGuard™ certified?
Our systems are UL Certified. Our experience with Non-Thermal Cold Plasma harmful particulate removal and organic destruction goes back over 40 years and 1500+ installations. The recent 2019 University of Michigan independent study also provides additional verification of Pathogen destruction at 99.9% efficiency to 0.1 microns in size.

Air Purification for enclosed buildings with recirculating Air Conditioning or Heating air systems has virtually been ignored for over 75 years. 99% of all buildings do not use anything more than a dust particulate filter. Most pathogens, viruses, bacteria, fungus (mold spores) are smaller than 1 micron in size and pass right through. PlasmaGuard’s™ exclusive systems destroy not only Flu & Cold Viruses, but Asthma triggers, Allergens, Respiratory bacteria, VOC's, Odors, Dioxins, Furans, heavy metals, and many other harmful particulates down to 0.05 microns.
Is this system more effective than the HVAC filtration system I'm currently using today?

What am I getting from this product that I do not get from electronic filters or ionizers?
Ionizers and other types of systems need "time" and "multiple passes" of the same contaminated air to reach any decent destruction efficiency. PlasmaGuard ELT™ and PlasmaGuard STAX™ offer the only commercial "First-Pass" destruction, capture, and self-cleaning system on the market today. As harmful particulate passes through HVAC systems, they land on surfaces in other rooms and on other floors. These pathogen particulates are not recirculated back through the HVAC system thus never having the time nor the opportunity to be treated/destroyed. This condition prevents these pathogen particulates from being treated let alone captured and removed. Ionizers also do not have the ability to treat these pathogen particulates and suffer the same limitations.

There are three methods of contamination and getting sick - (1) airborne distribution of pathogens, (2) surface area contamination, and (3) face-to-face encounters. PlasmaGuard™ reduces/eliminates the spreading of pathogens and other harmful particulates through airborne distribution. PlasmaGuard™ also significantly reduces surface area contamination, both protecting employees and providing the confidence to patrons they are entering a "clean-air" building that is equipped with the best available technology. With new awareness of social distancing and added surface disinfecting practices - together this provides the absolute best solution available today.
Will this provide employees and patrons a sense of security in the workplace?

What is truly broken that needs to be fixed?
Indoor air is highly polluted and dangerous to humans.* This has been ignored at the sub-micron level in practically all buildings world-wide. There are countless reports, studies, and verifications from homes, office buildings, hospitals, and many more, that have been published over the years.* Today, employees are concerned about going back to work in a crowded dangerous environment. Customers, patrons, and patients are deeply concerned about re-entering normal places of business. Our technology is the only mature, 99.9% destructive, capture and removal system for home, commercial and vessel applications. The need for this type of security and responsibility will be with us from this point forward. It is a small price to pay for the protection and significant improvement to our health.

PlasmaGuard™ works significantly better than HEPA filters, UV lighting, Ionizers and other methods currently being used today. This type of solution, for indoor air, has not been available until now. PlasmaGuard™ far exceeds FDA requirements. Our team is working with several government regulatory departments for future changes regarding destruction/removal of sub-micron harmful particulate and pathogens.